The Changing Nature Of Sports News

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Sports news is the voice of the athletes, fans and media personalities. Most sports coverage is written by freelance reporters working for the various networks, magazines and newspapers. The reporters cover all levels of the game from youth and college sports to professional leagues. This type of news provides in-depth details on sports events and highlights of the teams and players.

Sports journalism is primarily a written form of reporting on topics pertaining to sports related activities. Sports journalism began in the late 1800s as a means of belonging to the upper class to get first hand information on the sports teams and players. Sports journalism evolved as a news medium with the expansion of sports from local community based sports to national and international sports tournaments. With globalization of the internet, sports journalism has also become highly interactive and now includes an online writing and blogging.

One of the most popular sports reporting forms is the print media which is mainly limited to newspapers based in major cities. It includes information on sports world events, sports awards, and sports celebrities and news on sports venues and facilities. News on politics, film and entertainment is also included in sports journalism. Sports journalism also takes the form of news on sports handicapping, which is based on statistical analysis of the current sports season and predictions of player and game statistics for the coming year. The sports magazines specialize in providing complete and concise information about sports world rankings, individual player statistics, and latest news in sports. They also provide a venue through which fans can discuss and debate about sports and share their views about specific sports.